Product Feed Management Tool

Beautiful product images meet dynamic data

Easily connect your data source. Boost your product images with tailored designs, featuring dynamic elements based on product data. Distribute the refined feed to the selling channel of your choice. You will do all this with Cropink Product Feed Management Software.

Product Feed Management Tool

Connect your feed, tell your story with images.

Integrate inventory effortlessly using the Google PLA standard. Prioritize data privacy, get 100 products free, and keep products updated across all channels. Connect, display, and engage your audience thanks to our Product Feed Management Tool.

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Connect Data Source

Smooth data flow from your inventory, based on the Google PLA standard

Connect Data Source

Use Product Our Feed Management Software and Connect Your Data Source. Easily connect with Cropink using the Google PLA standard. This means your products will move smoothly from your inventory to Cropink and then to the audience without any hiccups. Making your life simpler and operations faster.

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Data Privacy

Support for a wide range of authorization methods.

Cropink Product Feed Tool Respects Data Privacy

We take your data's safety seriously. With multiple ways to authorize, you have control, and you can be sure your information is in safe hands and stays private.

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Up to 100 Images for Free

Dive in and see what we offer with up to 100 images on us. It's a risk-free way to get a real taste of our platform's features, no strings attached. No credit cards required.

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Preview Each of Your Products

Preview Your Products Before Publishing a Feed

Before anything goes live, take a peek and make sure it looks just right. This means no surprises and everything appears just how you want it. Search your products by individual IDs.

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Images with Dynamic Data

Enrich images with titles, prices, badges, and more

Create Ads with Dynamic Data from Product Feed

Spice up your product photos with added details like titles or prices. This doesn't just make your images look good; it gives customers the info they need at a glance, providing them with immediate insights.

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Refined Feed: Up & Running

Your products are always up to date on your desired channels

Keep Your Product Feed Up To Date

Stay fresh and updated. With Cropink, your products will always display the latest data directly from your feed, wherever you choose. This keeps your offerings up to date and ensures you advertise the right products. Just publish once, and it auto-updates on your chosen channel without the need for targeting algorithms to re-learn on your camapaigns.

Start with Cropink is easy and free

No credit card required