Design Collaboration Software

Collaborative Ads Creation Made Easy

In the fast-paced ecommerce landscape, managing multiple teams and projects efficiently is crucial. Cropink empowers you to streamline your graphic design process, allowing you to create stunning product ads in no time, while being sure that your ads are always within your brandbook guidelines.

Design Collaboration Software

Work Together With Design Collaboration Software

Get everyone working together. Cropink makes sure that all the teams in your organization have access to the right resources needed for their tasks. From now on, everyone knows what's going on with all the campaigns.

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Seamless Team Collaboration

Work Together With Design Collaboration Software

Get everyone working together. Cropink makes sure that all the teams in your organization have access to the right resources needed for their tasks. From now on, everyone knows what's going on with all the campaigns.

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Role-based Access Control

Make Collaborative Ads & Manage Access

Give the right access to the right people. With Cropink's system, everyone knows what they can and can't do. This makes workflow better and keeps things safe.

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Always Be On-brand

Keep your brand's identity consistent across teams and projects

Graphic Design Collaboration Tool With Brand Kit

Your brand represents your identity, and consistency in messaging is crucial. With Cropink's built-in brand kit, every team and project can set unique colors, fonts, logos, and styles to create consistent campaigns.

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Teams and Projects

Get organized your creatives by adding teams and projects

Easy Management of Projects and Teams

Say goodbye to messy designs and lost product creatives. With Cropink, you can group your work by teams or projects. Finding and managing things is easy, saves time, and keeps everyone in the loop for better campaigns.

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Transparent Billing Per Project

Comfortable Billing

Financial management can be tricky, especially when handling multiple projects. Our transparent billing system lets you allocate and track costs for each project separately, ensuring clarity and transparency. This not only simplifies accounting but also provides insights into the profitability of individual projects.

Start with Cropink is easy and free

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